Friday, October 1, 2010

Organic Streetscape Projekt in the News

Click on this link to see what's being said about OSP and Ludy Dobri in the media.
Good things are brewing...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ludy Dobri's Last Shows

It's the last week of concerts before Ludy Dobri fly back to Ukraine- but it's not over yet! Ludy Dobri have two shows coming up:

1) Naco Gallery Cafe
Wednesday, September 29th
1695 Dundas Street West ________________________________Photo credit: Vicki Ilgacs
Doors open at 9pm
This is going to be the most intimate concert-taking place at an amazing Mexican restaurant/cafe/bar.

2) Nuite Blanche
Saturday, October 2nd
Melody Bar, Gladstone Hotel
1214 Queen Street West
This is will be Ludy Dobri's FINAL SHOW! Come out and hear a song or stay out with us all night!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

What is going on!

After the gallery opening, Ludy Dobri and OSP have been making appearances around Toronto and Montreal.

Busking and playing shows in Kensington and Montreal, displaying work at Dufferin Grove park, taking part in Junction Arts Festival, and more!

Tomorrow they will hit the streets of Bloor West Village for the Ukrainian Festival as well as take part in the Queen West Art Crawl at Trinity Bellwoods Park.

Make sure to see what is going on and say hello!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

It's Begun...

On Thursday, September 2nd, Ludy Dobri and The Organic Streetscape Projekt started off their tour with an art exhibit opening at Snowball Gallery on Queen Street West. The gallery opening brought together artists, writers, music groupies and genuinely curious passers-by with an appreciation for Eastern European joie de vivre.

We would like to thank all the artists and volunteers that helped organize this event (from Ukraine and Canada), sponsors, and all those who came out to support this project.

The artists are:

Yaryna Movchan (Ukraine)
Theodora Rutherford (Canada)
Stephanie Turenko (Canada)
Olenka Kleban (Canada)
Danylo Movchan Ukraine)
Olga Chygryk (Ukraine)
Tetiana Kondratyk (Ukraine)
Oksana Hawrylak (Canada)
Marta Kwiatkowska (Ukraine)
Stephanie Sirant (Canada)
Marta Datsiuk (Ukraine)
Adrianna Rependa (Canada)
Olya Steblack (Ukraine)
Halyna Dudar (Ukraine)
Sophia Ilyniak (Canada)
Matthew Cherkas (Canada)
Jord Longo (United States)
Bozena Hrycyna (Canada)
Anastasia Baczynskyj (Canada)
Ludy Dobri (Ukraine)
Worldly Savages (Canada)

Even though this gallery event has ended, you can find the artwork from these artists throughout Toronto during the month of September.

Keep your eyes out for the OSP brochure with information about the Organic Streetscape Projekt and all the artists. The brochure can be found in any future OSP event listed on our poster including Queen West Art Crawl, Toronto Ukrainian Festival and Nuite Blanche at the Gladstone Hotel.

photo cred: Lesia Hawrylak and Stephanie Turenko
more photos can be found on Cassy Wesenhagen's flickr

Monday, August 30, 2010

OSP Flyer!

Check out all the OSP events happening in Toronto, as well as Ottawa and Montreal.

Flyer designed by Cassy Wesenhagen
(Thanks Cassy!)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Gallery Opening!

The Organic Streetscape Projekt Gallery Opening/Reception is on Thursday, September 2nd at Snowball Gallery for 8pm

The evening features a live performance by folk group Ludy Dobri from Ukraine and installations by local and international writers and artists.

Through the Organic Streetscape Projekt we hope to challenge preconceptions about cultural identity and how it is practiced. It has truly been a collective effort, and we want you to be a part of it.
Come and join us for a celebration of Canadian and Ukrainian youth creative and collaborative expression and music!

Snowball Gallery

From September 2 to 5, 2010 the Organic Streetscape Projekt submissions will be on display at Snowball Gallery.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

projekt update!

Thank you to all who submitted their work!
This week we will be looking through the submissions and
eventually post work that will be part of the organic streetscape projekt.

( photo: what I am currently working on for osp.)

If you are still interested in submitting...please do so by the end of this week.
E-mail me at:

Friday, July 9, 2010

Це запрошення до ...

Це запрошення до участі у проекті

Щоб розпочати диспут про cамобyтніcть українців y Канаді та Україні, ми запрошуємо Ваc прийняти участь у проекті 'ORGANIC STREETSCAPE PROJEKT' який є співпрацею українських та канадських мильтимедіа, художників та музикантів.

Цей незалежний студенський проект буде організованим над музичною співпрацою між етно-фольк групою ЛЮДИ ДОБРІ (з Львова) і WORLDLY SAVAGES (з Торонто). Цей проект прицілюється занґажувати молодих мистців всіх женр і медіум з Україні та Канади.

В рамках проекту ми розглядатимемо роботи живопису, графічного дизайну, фотографії, короткометражні фільми, роботи з текстилю, поезію, прозу, мильтимедіа, тощо, які динамічно відображають українську самобутність у різноманітних формах, незалезжно від того міської чи сілької, місцевої чи світової, цілісної чи ізольованої, проігнорованої чи переслідованої тематики вони є.

-Чи почуваєшся ти Українцем? ( чи ні?)
-Які в тебе взаємозвязки з українською культурою?

Ми хочемо про це дізнатися!

Цей заклик також буде розповсюджено у Львові (Україна) запрошуючи Львівських стyдентів прийняти yчасть и диспуті.
Відібрані роботи митців бyде виставлено в галереї у центрі Торонто і також представлено на Українському фецтивалі, що відбидеться у вересні.

Умови подання заявки:
1. Ім'я, адреса, е-mail, телефон.
2. 3-5 фотографій роботи на представленої на конкурс у JPG форматі.
3. Список з номером файлу, назвою, матеріал, розмірoм фотографій.
4. Опис роботи і як ця робота відповідає даному проекту

Заяви приймаютьcя до 19 Липня, 2010.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

OSP in the Works

What’s this ?

Why it’s the new Ludy Dobri album Live at Lula recorded at the Lula Lounge during the Small World Music festival last September. The album which includes almost 84 minutes of music new and old will be released at this Year's Toronto Ukrainian Festival this September (Click here for more details).

Ludy Dobri is especially excited about the album art, created by budding artist Oksana Hawrylak. Take a good look at the illustrated streetscapes; if you're a Toronto native, you might recognize some of your favourite downtown spots. (Stay tuned for more of her work in September...)

In terms of the music, you could describe this album using some typical stock phrases (it’s fresh, innovative, contagious yadda yadda), but the fact of the matter is that Ludy Dobri is too unique for cliché. If you come out to Bloor West Ukie Fest this September, you’ll have the privilege of hearing them live and deciding for yourself.

As you may or may not know, collaboration between Ludy Dobri and Toronto-based gypsy-punk troupe Worldly Savages is the platform for the Organic Streetscape Projekt. OSP was envisioned as a travelling exhibit showcasing Ukrainian and International art alongside the super-group's musical performances. What has grown out of that idea is an organic movement of young, urban, rural Ukrainian and non-Ukrainian artists and dilettantes examining the role of culture and folklore in their own lives.

Through OSP we hope to challenge preconceptions about cultural identity and how it is practiced in the Ukrainian Diaspora in Canada. Check back in for more boho-folk soon!

To have a look and listen to some tracks from Live at Lula, check out the Ludy Dobri's myspace here.

Friday, June 18, 2010

next up...

At the moment we are collecting, photographing and organizing work created by the organic streetscape projekt participants.

We will update what members and friends are currently working on
and post more information on future projects and events.

***We'll especially keep you up to date on the collaboration projekt with artists and musicians living in Canada and Ukraine.

so be patient

come back and visit the blog

and stay tuned for news and happenings in the near future !

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Call for Submissions

Call for Submissions
September of 2010

This is a call for submissions to the ORGANIC STREETSCAPE PROJEKT: a multimedia collaboration of Ukrainian and Canadian artists and musicians to blow open the discussion on Ukrainian identity in the two countries.

The independently student-run project will be organized around a musical collaboration between Lviv-based Ukrainian folk band LUDY DOBRI and Toronto gypsy punk troupe WORLDLY SAVAGES, but aims to involve young artists of all mediums and genres from both Ukraine and Canada.

Specifically, we are looking for pieces; painting, graphic design, photography, short film, textile work, poetry/prose, multimedia, etc... that dynamically address the notion of Ukrainian identity in its many and diverse forms, whether urban, rural, local, global, unified, segregated, hyphenated, displaced, ignored, suppressed, empowered, or otherwise. How do you feel about being Ukrainian (or not being Ukrainian)? What is your connection of Ukrainian culture? We want to hear about it.

A similar call for Submissions will be issued in Lviv, Ukraine, calling students from LUDY DOBRI’s home base to weigh in on the discussion. Selected works from both countries will be displayed together at a gallery event in downtown Toronto as well as at the Toronto Ukrainian Festival in September; the bands will perform at these events.

Submission requirements:

1. Contact information: Name, Address, E-mail, Phone number
2. 3-5 images of recent work, preferably work you wish to be considered
Please send in:
JPG format
3. A list showing file number, date, title, medium and dimensions for each image
4. Artist Statement and proposal

*Artist statement and proposal should include a brief background information of applicant's work, as well as a brief description of the proposal and how you think your work can fit into this project

Deadline: Interested artists should submit their proposals by July 19th, 2010. Accepted proposals must be ready for installation/display for the month of September 2010.

Interested parties should send their application to:

-Oksana Hawrylak

Please visit the links to the bands' booking videos and OSP member Stephanie Sirant's multimedia projekt for an idea of what OSP is looking for:

Ludy Dobri: http://
Wordly Savages: http://
Stephanie Sirant: http://